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Cat Tips: Do Cats Shed And How Can You Combat Cat Hair?

While the question “do cats shed?” might seem intuitive, it’s still an important one to talk about. Cats are known for their tendency to self-groom — all the time. In fact, cats are often seen as the epitome of cleanliness.

But cats are still furry balls that are covered in hair. So even though they groom themselves every day, it’s important to recognize that cat’s do shed. The next set is figuring out the best ways to combat all that cat hair that you find around your home!

Make sure you follow our blog for more cat tips, and take a look at our KittySalon Groomer. Our grooming system makes it easy to collect loose cat hair any time your cat eats or drinks.

Do Cats Shed?

You also might have heard the theory that because cats spend hours every day grooming themselves, they won’t shed. The quick answer to the question “do cats shed?” is yes, but it also depends on the breed of cat you have.

Traditionally, a cat’s coat becomes thicker in the winter to stay warm and thinner in the summer to stay cool. So, in order to make this transition, they have to shed their old coat. Indoor cats also tend to shed throughout the year because they don’t have to prepare as heavily for the winter and summer months.

But, it’s also important to mention that there are some breeds of cats that don’t shed (or shed significantly less than other cats), including:

  • Sphynx cats
  • Siamese cats
  • Cornish Rex cats
  • British Shorthair cats
  • Japanese Bobtail cats
  • Devon Rex cats

Unless you’ve chosen a cat that doesn’t shed, you most likely own a cat that sheds its coat with each season.

Regardless, (most) cats are completely covered in hair. This means that, occasionally, they might need some help keeping their shedding under control.

Cat Tips for Combating Cat Hair

Since you can plan that your cat is going to shed, read through some different cat tips on ways you can start combating car hair in your home.


We’ve already established that most cats groom themselves. But you can also help them out by brushing their fur on a regular basis. You can find different combs that will collect the hair as you brush them. If your cat doesn’t seem to like brushing, you can also find gloves that allow you to stroke your cat and collect loose hair.

If your cat still has a lot of hair that needs to be removed, you can try giving them a bath. Obviously, some cats aren’t a fan of water, so this could pose a challenge. A professional groomer could also be a great option, especially if your cat has long hair or is hard to groom on a regular basis.

Just find a grooming routine that works for you and your cat’s needs.

Cat Hair Products

There are different products on the market that you can use to help clean your cat if other grooming options are out of the question — especially options involving water.

At your local pet store, look for wipes or sprays that will clean your cat without water. If you want a fast way to remove loose fur from your cat, just a damp paper towel or cloth to easily collect any loose hair.

Check their Diet

The quality of your cat’s coat can be affected by their diet. In addition to that, you want to make sure your cat is properly hydrated — something that wet cat food can help with.

If your cat has a dry coat or is losing more hair than average, their diet might be deficient in Omega 3 and Omega 6, two types of fatty acids. Check to see how much Omega 3 and 6 your cat food has, and consider changing their diet if they’re lacking in their omegas. You can also talk to your veterinarian for any more information on how their diet could be affecting their hair.

Cover Your Furniture

If you have a long haired cat, chances are you have a lot of cat hair throughout your home. If you’re spending too much time cleaning up cat hair or you’re tired of constantly having cat hair everywhere, think about covering your furniture. Something like a sheet or couch cover can make it easy for you to wash and remove any unwanted cat hair.

Additionally, it’s not a bad idea to make some parts of your home cat-free — namely your closet. We know that cats are innately curious creatures, but wanting to keep them out of your closet and away from your clean clothes is fair.

Rule Out Medical Causes

Sometimes, excessive shedding could be a sign of a larger problem. If you find bald patches on your cat, that is another indicator that they’re not just normally shedding. If you’re concerned at all about, check with a veterinarian to make sure there is nothing abnormal about their shedding patterns.

Order a KittySalon Groomer!

Now that we’ve established that cats do shed — unless you’ve chosen a cat breed that doesn’t shed or doesn’t have hair — it’s time for a multi-purpose cat groomer.

Our KittySalon Groomer will groom your cat every time they enter or exit our system to access their food and water. Find a great grooming tool with an easy, disposable insert where the cat hair is collected. Check back to learn more grooming cat tips!



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